Fundamental British Values

At Sir John Offley CE VC Primary School we teach a broad and balanced curriculum and in line with recommendations from the DfE, our ethos promotes Fundamental British Values, with particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010.
At SJO we treat all as equals and we respect that everyone has the right to have an opinion. Democracy and Equality are an integral part of our school life and we value the importance of staff, pupil and parent voice and we value the importance of making decisions together.
We promote this through:
- Class rules
- School council, which representatives from each class
- Annual Pupil questionnaires
- Our open door policy
- Pupil progress evenings
- Parent open mornings
- Parent meetings and workshops
- Parent Governors
Rule Of Law
We teach our children that they have responsibility for their own actions and that the choices they make will have consequences. We have a positive reward system in place that links to the class rules and there are consequences if these are not followed. We ensure that our children understand that there are rules all through life and that they are there to protect and guide everyone in society. We also teach our children that if the law is broken there are consequences that must be faced.
We promote this through:
- School rules
- Rules in specific subjects such as PE and Science
- Safer internet rules
- Road safety including rules taught through Bikeability
Individual Liberty
We teach our children about freedom of speech and encourage them to be confident to express their opinions and views in a respectful way. We want our children to make decisions and to consider the choices they make. We enable them to do this by providing a supportive and encouraging environment, which makes them feel comfortable to make choices and express their views.
We promote this through:
- PSHE lessons where they openly express views and opinions
- Collective worship – where they can write their own prayers
- In lessons – where they may choose how to record their work and have an input into their learning
- In extra curricular activities – where they can choose what club to take part in
- In their own interests
The ethos at SJO ensures that we value the uniqueness of everyone. As a Church School, our collective worship is fundamentally Christian in character but we also celebrate and respect the faiths of others. We teach our children about different cultures and faiths and the importance of listening to others viewpoints. We celebrate and teach about diversity through Collective Worship, PSHE and RE lessons and it is also woven throughout our curriculum.
Mutual Respect
We teach our children the importance of ‘treating others how you would want to be treated’. We teach our children to respect the world we live in and their own and others belongings and property. Our ethos promotes respect for all and it is woven through our curriculum. We also teach about mutual respect in Collective Worship and RE, PSHE and PE lessons.
Click the icon below to read the British values document produced by the government.
Guidance on promoting British values in schools published
(External Webpage Link)