Nursery and Busy Bees

We have a Governor Run Nursery Class Wraparound provision called Busy Bees.  This provision is available to all children who are not eligible for 30 free hours of Nursery funding and who attend the Nursery class at Sir John Offley.   The majority of Nursery children currently access their free 15 hours of nursery each day from 9.00am until 12.00pm.  Parents can then opt for their child to stay in Busy Bees from midday until 3.00pm, the cost of this afternoon session is £12.50 per day.  Your child can either have a school lunch at a cost of £2.75 or if you prefer they are welcome to bring a packed lunch from home.  Please find attached the ‘Wraparound Provision Policy and Contract’ for your information.  If you require any further details about Busy Bees please contact the school office