Our School Day

Start of the day

School starts at 8.45am when the children are welcomed into their classrooms.  

Collective Worship

As a Church School, all children participate in an Collective Worship each day, this may be as a whole school, class or Key Stage.  This takes place at 9am each day.  Every fortnight, Reverend Tim leads whole school worship.  We follow termly themes which are based on our core Christian Values of Love, Forgiveness and Aspiration that represent Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit.  On Fridays the whole school shares a Celebration Assembly which provides an opportunity for children to share their learning and celebrate each others successes.

Break time 

Children from Y1 to Y6 have a break from 10.20am – 10.35am.  A range of healthy snacks are available to purchase or children can bring in a snack from home.


We value the importance of lunch time, as a time when children can socialise with their friends and enjoy their food.  Therefore, children in Nursery have their lunch at 11.45am so that it is quiet and less crowded for them.  Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have their lunch break from 12.00pm-1.00pm. All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free lunch provided by the school (either cooked or a sandwich) under the Universal Free School Meals scheme.  Children in Key Stage 2 have their lunch break from 12.00pm – 1.00pm.  They can either bring their own packed lunch from home, or pay for a school lunch.  In the summer months children can eat their packed lunch outside on the field surrounding the playground, on picnic benches if they wish.

Nurture Room

There is a nurture room available for all children every lunch time.  This provides an alternative to the extensive range of activities on offer outside and allows children to play games, discuss their feelings and be supported by a Teaching Assistant, during lunchtime, if they wish.  

Afternoon Break

There is a short afternoon break from 2:00pm-2:15pm for children in Key Stage 1.  Free fruit is also available as a snack.

Foundation Stage

Children in Nursery and Reception do not have set breaks apart from lunch time because the Foundation Stage curriculum allows them access to the outdoors and therefore, physical development, throughout the day.

The end of the day

Children in Nursery finish the day at 3pm.  Children in Reception, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two finish the day at 3.15pm.  If you wish for your child to walk home by themselves (Y5/6) please inform the office, otherwise we will expect all children to be collected by an adult, unless they are attending our Red Robins after school club. 


If your child doesn’t feel like going home at the end of the day, why not let them stay and take part in one of our after school clubs.